Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker

  1. Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Free
  2. Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Download
Track any MAC address Geographical Location

Then, a need was felt to add a feature to the Fern toolbox dialog that included an area to track the geographical coordinates and display maps, country, state country code, and other geographical details, using only the Mac address of the Wi-Fi access points in a novice-friendly manner. After all, that was what Fern was made for. The real issues with any IP address tracker are when they are following your mobile devices, as that is basically telling everyone your exact situation at the moment. Conspiracy theorists have long argued that the government is going to install chips in us and track us wherever we go.

Fern Wifi Cracker is a Wireless security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the Python Qt GUI library, the program is able to crack and recover.


MACstand for Media Access Control is unique address of each hardware device. It,s a 48-bit address. Starting 24-bit is assigned by IEEE and last 24-bit is assigned by Manufacturers.
View Your Mac address in Windows :- Start > Run > cmd > getmac
View Mac address of all connected device in your network :- use Wnetwatcher Tool
Howto track any MAC-address Geographical Location using Backtrack5R3. This trick is helful in finding lost devices.
Open Application > Backtrack > Explonitation Tools > Wireless explonation Tools > WLAN Exploitationand Open Fern-Wifi-Cracker
Select the ToolBox Option

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Free

It will show you location .Now you have exact location of device.

Fern Wifi Cracker With Geographical Location Mac Address Tracker Download

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